Friday, February 25, 2011

Boston 1775: The Mystery in Dr. Warren’s Recovered Letter

Boston 1775: The Mystery in Dr. Warren’s Recovered Letter: "This week the Massachusetts Archives reported recovering a letter that Dr. Joseph Warren wrote on 25 May 1775, happily passing on the news t..."

I wanted to share this site with you--it is a rich trove of information, well presented and researched and garners discussion. In short, everything a good blog should be or any well thought out discussion for that matter.

Read a few entries- what do you think?

1 comment:

  1. I think this is a wonderful blog that seems to cover a lot of various aspects of Boston during 1775. There was the post about Dr. Warren and about the start of the Revolutionary War, but I enjoyed the two posts dealing with the marriage of Mary Dill and Isaiah Thomas. There just seems to be an incredible amount of meticulous research that goes into each post, and I love reading about history that normally wouldn't be discussed and is hard to research (like divorce in the eighteenth century).
