Saturday, March 19, 2011

Object of the week

This will probably look familiar. Please consider purpose, materials, point of origin and intended audience for use, date and so on.

Writing about diaries and journals

Several of you have also expressed an interest in writing about family journals, diaries and day books.  In addition to our text on Sam Lane, you might also look at

The Sedgewicks in Love: Courtship, Engagement and Love in the Early Republic, Timothy Kinslea

Marriage in the Early Republic: Elizabeth and William Wirt and the Companionate Ideal, Anya Jabour

A Midwife's Tale, Laurel Thatcher Ulrich
Rebecca Chase Kinsman by Charles Osgood, c. 1842

'"Demure Quakeress": Rebecca Kinsman in China, 1843-1847' in Dublin Seminar for New England Folklife Proceedings, 2006-2007, Boston University, 2009.  (Text for this article will be uploaded to Blackboard.)

Research Resources

This site for Colonial Williamsburg is a rich resource for some of your research topics.  It covers not only traditional artisans but will also link you to other related sites such as those for metalworking and cordwaining:

For some must reads:

The Art of Family, Peter Benes, editor.
Painted with Thread, Paula Richter, Peabody Essex Museum
Our Own Snug Fireside, Jane Nylander, Historic New England
Wheelwright House, Strawbery Banke Museum

Randall Family, Strawbery Banke Museum

Mary Starbird sampler, Miss Robinson's School, Strawbery Banke Museum,   Ellen McDermott, photography

Looking at 18th Century Clothing, Linda Baumgarten, Colonial Williamsburg

Friday, March 4, 2011

Confirming breakfast meeting

Looking forward to seeing you at Young's tomorrow @ 9:30.  Could the first to  arrive grab a booth? I hope you have had some time to think about your projects.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Gundalow Film Series and Updates - FYI

See especially the building of the ship Fame, out of Salem.  Gundalow construction will commence on Puddle Dock at Strawbery Banke shortly.